The ambassador program intends to raise awareness and funds for the future development of CHILI CON CHILI. Essentially, this is a crowdfunding program with ambassadors willing to purchase a voucher for a predefined amount of chilis, with CHILI CON CHILI commitment to delivering on a “best-effort” basis.
As an individual ambassador, you have paid upfront 100 USD for five kilos of fresh (or dried) chilis and are entitled to receive this.
As a corporate ambassador, you have paid upfront 1.000 USD for fifty kilos of fresh (or dried) chilis and are entitled to receive this.
Delivery process
Delivery of chilis is on a “best-effort” basis. CHILI CON CHILI will reach out to every ambassador when products and appropriate distribution channels mature properly. We expect this to be in place no later than 2025.
Please reach out on LinkedIn or Facebook to either Agolei Esther Phionah (MP) or Tim Bruun Madsen (P) or direct email to any of us on or, and we will send you bank transfer details and the following Ambassador Program ‘approval’ letter.
We hope for your support, and we look forward to hearing from you.